Best Small School District in Texas
Voters in the Canutillo Independent School District on May 4 will consider a bond referendum to address growth in the district, aging infrastructure and the continued enrollment loss impacting the CISD budget. The $387-million bond proposal would fund new construction, school repairs and other projects in every corner of Canutillo.
For the 2024-25 school year, all campus registrations will be completed online. After students have registered online, campus registrars will communicate with parents if any further required information or documentation is needed to complete the process. If parents have a question or need assistance with online registration, please contact the registrar of your child's campus or attend one of the scheduled Parent Assistance Sessions.
News & Events
By the Numbers
Blue Ribbon School
National Blue Ribbon School by the U. S. Department of Education.
A Rated
A-Rated campus
Bully Free
Advanced Placement
Gold Status Advanced Placement (AP) Program School Honor Roll
The National Center for Urban School Transformation America’s Best Schools
Best of the Best
Board AP Computer Science Female Diversity Award
College credit
Students can receive associates degree and high school diploma