TSI College Placement Exam
What is the TSI Assesment?
The TSI Assessment is the new Texas college placement exam; it is a program designed to help our institution determine if you are ready for college-level course work in the general areas of reading, writing and mathematics. This program also will help determine what type of course or intervention will best meet your needs to help you become better prepared for collegelevel course work if you are not ready.
Mandatory Pre-Assessment Activity (PAAM)
Before you take the TSI Assessment, you must participate in a Pre-Assessment Activity. The college or university at which you take your test is required to provide the Pre-Assessment Activity as well asdocument your participation, so it is very important that you complete this activity before you take the test. Also, you will not be allowed to take the TSI Assessment until you have completed this activity.
Link to I nstructions to take the Pre-Assessment Activity
PAAM Instructions
Instructions to access free resources, practice questions, and interactive lessons:
Use "prep" as username and password to access free interactive lessons, studying modules, print paper practice exams, and to take practice exams online.

Instructions to add PREP Resource class to Blackboard account: InstructionsAccessingOnlineInteractiveLessonsinBlackboard.pdf